Starfish Flags

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For instructional guides on how to raise flags/kudos, or how to set up the appointments feature, refer to the Starfish Newsletters found on the Elizabethtown College Starfish webpage or email


Low Online Course Engagement Raised if you are concerned about a student’s engagement in the online learning platform
Referral to Campus Wellness Network Raise this flag to refer a student to the Campus Wellness Network
Attendance Concern Raised when a student is not attending class consistently
General Academic Concern Flags and comments remain between faculty member and student
Low Average in a Course Raised if a student is beginning to struggle in a course
In Danger of Failing Raised when a student is in danger of failing a course, major and minor advisors, coaches and support staff are alerted
Student Behavior Concern Flag directly routed to VP of Student Life Direct Reports Group


Keep Up the Good Work Kudos can be given for a student who continues to do well in a course
Outstanding Academic Performance Given to a student who has performed well academically
Recognition Kudos Provides an opportunity to acknowledge a student for any achievement
Showing Improvement Given to a student who has shown improvements, possibly after receiving a flag.

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