Daily Blog #23: Digitization of the Puffenberger Religious Artifacts Collection

With four interviews completed, ten new artifacts cataloged, and many video clips edited, this week has been very productive! Today was mostly an uploading and editing day. I edited all of the photos of the ten new artifacts that I cataloged this week. I also added all of the Dublin Core information for each new artifact. I created 360-degree videos for each new artifact, however, some of the 360-degree videos did not turn out how I would have liked. For some reason, the scaling of the photos did not agree with the video software, so I had to go back and retake photos for many of the artifacts and recreate the 360-degree videos again. After I edited and uploaded all of the videos and photos to Omeka, I tagged each new artifact also.

Then, after lunch, I went through all of the photos that I have imported from the camera onto the Mac and deleted the ones that I have and will not use because there was very little storage space left. Towards the end of the day, I emailed another professor asking if they would be interested in participating in our video interviews. With only two more weeks of SCARP left for me, I feel very confident about the pace we are working and what we have accomplished so far.

  • Hannah Ciocco

-Pictured above is one of the new artifacts that I cataloged this week (White Porcelain Many-Armed Kuanyin).