Day 14 of the Digital Curation of Puffenberger’s Religious Artifacts

A majority of today was dedicated to editing. Both Hannah and I went through all 33 items that we added to the website last week made them as clean we possible. This included going through my descriptions and editing them making sure there were no spelling errors, passive voice, unnecessary capitalization, etc. To help us make sure we were hitting all the grammatical items that could be incorrect on my descriptions, a check list was used which really helped keep everything in order and make sure the description was as clean as it could be. Hannah went through and added comments on the descriptions on additional edits which I will go through tomorrow. Sometimes it is hard to work with the passive voice especially when you are describing objects that cannot physically perform action. So it takes a little rewording to avoid the passive voice. Today I also edited the trailer a little it by adding some video clips. Tomorrow my primary focus will be to focus on the trailer. I need a little break from editing!


-Amal Ismail