Daily Blog #14: Digitization of the Puffenberger Religious Artifacts Collection

Today marked the beginning of the fourth week of SCARP and of working on the Puffenberger Collection. I am amazed at the amount of work we have completed so far and cannot imagine what we will have done by the time we present our project in August. With 25 artifacts photographed and researched last week, this week is focused on proofreading the entries and adding Dublin Core information into the Omeka site. We started out the day off with a group meeting that included a discussion of our weekly goals and how we plan on making those happen by the end of the week.

One of my goals this week is to add all of the Dublin Core information for the new artifacts that were added last week. With 33 new artifacts, I had to get started right away. Today, I was able to complete and add the Dublin Core information for seven artifacts. I also proofread Amal’s descriptions and research on these seven artifacts. I left my comments on our shared Excel spreadsheet and she will go in and fix the mistakes later this week. So far, this week is off to a very productive start!

  • Hannah Ciocco

  • Photo: Adding the Dublin Core information into Omeka.