Day 9 of the Digital Curation of Puffenbeger’s Religious Artifacts

Today, we finished up all the weekly goals. One of the things the morning consisted of was trying to figure out the carousel feature to appear on the “featured item” window on the homepage. We are still trying to figure that out, and that could be a goal for next week. Today we also inserted a drop down menu. It was actually pretty simple and there was no code necessary in order to add the the menu. We simply went to the Navigation page on the admin admin and shifted over the categories under “browse collections” tab. We could also make tabs for the drop down menu, so we were able to add “Christianity” and all its corresponding traditions underneath it, which is something we wanted to do on our original design for the webpage. A few edits were made on the about page including our role in the project. Next week, I hope to continue to add to the website with more artifacts and hopefully figure out more ways to design the website the way we want it to look!

-Amal Ismail