What’s New on Campus?

Whats_NewOver the summer, we worked very hard to make our Network better and our systems more efficient. We updated the lab computers and classroom podium computers to Windows 10. We upgraded our email servers for more efficiency, and moved to the new version of Outlook Web App. We also upgraded to a newer Comcast Cable system, which eliminated the old cable boxes. You may have also noticed that the Wi-Fi changed names. That is because we upgraded our entire wireless network on campus. You’ll enjoy faster, more efficient, and more reliable wireless internet now in more parts of campus. Even outside. Keep reading to find out more about the changes that have happened on campus.




With so many changes to our systems over the summer, we decided to include a brief Frequently Asked Questions section. Below are questions we have received from all of you with a brief answer and link for more information.


How do I update my password  online with the new email system?

To find out how to update your password with the new Outlook Web App, please read this article: OWA Change Network Password.


The computers in the library, labs, and classrooms look different than the old system. How do I use the new computers? Can I get trained on Windows 10?

Over the summer, we updated computers on campus to Windows 10. For an overview of the changes and new features in Windows 10, please refer to these Knowledgebase Articles.


My class uses Canvas for turning in assignments, but I can’t upload documents. What is happening?

If you are using Internet Explorer or Edge, you will not be able to upload documents to Canvas. Those browsers simply do not function well for Canvas. We recommend using Firefox or Chrome for Canvas.


I can’t seem to get cable on my TV. What happened to the Comcast cable boxes?

Over the summer we converted to a new cable system that relies on QAM digital tuning. This will allow HD Cable TV access, but may take a little bit more to set up. For more information on setting up your cable access, please view the Knowledgebase.


I’m having trouble with my wireless. Where can I find information on that?

For information on Wireless connectivity and issues, please visit our Wireless FAQs.