Daily Blog #28: Digitization of the Puffenberger Religious Artifacts Collection

With only a week of SCARP left for me, Amal and I are continuing to work hard in order to make this project as perfect as it can be. As I look back at the beginning of SCARP, I realize how far we both have come. I remember the first week of the project, Amal and I were so confused at the thought of building and adding to an Omeka site and the thought of using coding technology was daunting. Additionally, we both had little to no experience with a lot of the technology that we would come to be very familiar with. This project has not only given me new knowledge of religious artifacts but has also provided me with the experience of creating something from the ground up. As we wrote down next week’s goals, Amal and I realized that next week will be very busy, but necessary in order to create the best project that we can. We want to make absolutely sure that everything is in place once I leave next week. I am very proud of how far we have come and can’t wait to share it with the rest of the Elizabethtown College students and faculty!

  • Hannah Ciocco

-Above is a photo of the Diamond Sceptre.