Day 2 – Anatomy Art

It’s the second day of our Anatomy Art Project! What a wonderful way to learn about the interrelatedness of art, anatomy, and technology. We had a full To-Do List for the day, and the first task was to familiarize ourselves with the cameras and photography station. With the help of two other student researchers, we set up a photo booth for when we begin photographing the art, and Carol sent us a link  so we can learn more about the camera functions ( While we will not start photographing or cataloging till later in the week, it is exciting to see the bones of the project begin to take shape (get it? bones? anatomy jokes!).

Some of my tasks for the day centered around brainstorming interview questions, contacting students for quotes to use on the website, and creating a list of students that we hope to interview for the blog and/or podcast. We plan to ask questions centered around why the students focused on the body system relating to their artwork, how their perspective of anatomy has changed since taking the class, and how the extra credit project helped them learn. While I worked on the interview materials, Aubrey worked diligently on the website. She created “Resources for Students” and “Resources for Educators” tabs so visitors to the cite have access to important information. We are both passionate about making this project a resource for both students and educators to use in the hopes it will inspire and be useful to them in their quests to conquer anatomy. I worked on compiling lists of resources like YouTube channels, websites, and downloadable apps that people can use as study/teaching tools while Aubrey made the website easy to navigate and access all the photographs of art and resources. Wix has proven to be a fantastic resource that is simple to use and creates beautiful results.

Tomorrow we are meeting with Dr. Goldina to begin sorting through all the artwork! It will be exciting to finally see all the art and begin choosing the first pieces to be cataloged.

Rebecca Kruse, Class of 2021

Day 2 of Research: Mitchell and Kruse decide on the website content.