Day 40 of the Digital Curation of Puffenberger’s Religious Artifacts

Today I was able to add content onto the “For Students” page onto the website. Since our team wanted to make this an academic resource for students, Hannah and I will add reflections onto the page that briefly explain how we got involved in the project in the first place. In my reflection, I wanted to express how important it was for undergrad students to express their interest to their professors and other faculty and staff at their academic institution so people know that you are interested. Since I am a biology major, I really doubt anyone would have known I was interested in studying scripture and other religious studies topics unless I expressed that interest to Dr. Newton. In addition to our reflections, I also added the podcast that we originally posted on the blog. I also added a header that lists all the resources we used to create the website incase any student wanted to get started on an similar project, they could reference our website. For next week, I still plan on proofreading the website a little bit, taking some photos and contacting Dr. Puffenberger about another interview.

-Amal Ismail