Day 39 of the Digital Curation of Puffenberger’s Religious Artifacts

Today I was able to film a video of a demonstration of to use a prayer rug. I was and still am a little nervous to publish this on the website for a couple of reason. To begin, I just don’t like being on camera in general but more importantly, I do not want anyone to see the video and find inaccuracies with it. For me, this is quite a personal video since I grew up praying regularly and am very willing to share how I was personally taught how pray Salah. However, I also know that even though in general, there is a foundation of how all muslims pray, there are still some variations across different regions and traditions of Islam. For this reason, i am going to make the video first and see how I feel and then if I am comfortable to publish the video online, I will put a disclaimer saying that this video was how I was personally was taught to pray Salah. Tomorrow I plan on editing the video and continuing to edit the website more. Today I also made a story board of what I wanted to include in our presentation. Since the presentation is only 15 minutes, I knew that Hannah and I won’t have time to talk about everything but I highlighted a few points that I thought were the most important to talk about during our presentation.


-Amal Ismail