Day 13 of the Digital Curation of Puffenberger’s Religious Artifacts
Today, I completed all the research on the 25 artifacts and posted the information on the website. In addition, I also went back through all the items we have added so far and proofread them myself. I also had Carol proofread, but will continue to go back and check on the descriptions just in case I missed anything. Some of the external sources were showing up in a blue box that looked awkward. I am not sure why they were showing up, and why only a few were showing up in the boxes but Carol and I figured out that extra code was being added so we went back to the source code and deleted the code that was causing the boxes to show up. I input all the data into excel and placed comments in the progress boxes. For example, if I wanted the external sources looked over, I put that in the progress boxes so I could go back and check on them when I go back to proofread. I also redrew the marker board to our most updated design on the website. The only thing that needs to be added is the carousel on the featured section and the trailer that will be added on the front page. Next week, I assume I will be working on the trailer and start the interviews with Dr. Puffenberger. It was a very busy and productive week!
-Amal Ismail