Protecting Your Account with MFA
At this time of year phishers and scammers are counting on you being too busy and distracted to pay real attention to their attacks. Entering your password in a malicious website (that is pretending to look like a legitimate Etown-related website) can give someone access to your email (including all the messages in folders and sent items), Jayweb, OneDrive, even your network folders. Once a bad actor has access to your password and data, they can wreak havoc with your personal information and corrupt the network.
One easy way to limit your vulnerability is to enroll your Etown account in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA (also referred to as two-factor authentication) enhances the security of your account by requiring both your password and a separate code (texted to your phone or supplied in an app) in order to complete the login process. If you have MFA enabled, even if someone acquires your password, they won’t be able to access your account since they won’t be able to provide the required second-factor code.
Enrolling in MFA is easy and takes only a few minutes. You can find the details about MFA at Etown and the steps for getting set up in this series of knowledgebase articles. And while enrollment in MFA is voluntary now, all Etown accounts will require MFA starting February 24, 2021, so beat the rush and enroll now!
As always, please contact the Help Desk if you have any difficulty with the process or any other questions.