Microsoft Office on Shared Computers

At the start of this semester, ITS announced that users were now required to sign into Microsoft Office on computers in classrooms, labs and other shared environments. Some users are reporting that when attempting to sign into Office on a shared device, they see an error message which reads “You’ve reached your sign-in limit. To continue on this device, please sign out of Office on another device using your Microsoft account portal.”  

This message appears when a user is signed into Office on too many devices. Users are limited to five active devices of three different types (e.g., personal computer, phone, lab computer).  

To remedy this, make sure to not check “Stay signed in” when signing into Office, and make sure to sign out of Office before logging out of the shared machine. You can also sign out of other devices using the instructions on this Microsoft support page.  

If you have any concerns about this process, you can contact the Help Desk at or 717-361-3333 (ex.3333).