Get Kahoot!


Get Kahoot!

Student engagement with course content increases when interactive, game-based learning techniques are used. True or False?

True. Game-based learning encourages the use of friendly competition and game play to enhance a learning experience. Kahoot! enables interactive assessment during class through internet connected devices while keeping students focused and providing instructors ways to monitor student participation in a concrete manner.

Faculty are concerned about distractions in the classroom, and they are primarily concerned with cell phone use. These are valid concerns especially when student success often relies on participation and paying attention. However, cell phones do not have to be the enemy.

Sleepy, disinterested students rarely participate and can make any class a boring class. With Kahoot! quizzes, students will not only participate more, but the information might actually stick in their minds longer than the next thirty seconds.

The presenter, such as the professor, creates the presentation ahead of time using the easy to use Then during class, students visit, enter the 6-digit quiz code, and voila! In a matter of moments, a traditional lecture can be transformed into an interactive experience with multiple-choice quizzes, diagrams, videos, surveys, and even short discussions.

The student’s device will only show four colors or shapes that correspond with answers to the question that is projected on the classroom screen. The questions do not appear on the student’s device allowing the presenter to keep track of which students are participating, and which students are doing something else on their device. After all students have answered, a graph displays all student responses including the correct answer. This provides a quick guide for the presenter to keep track of what the students do and do not know.

Students don’t always enjoy participating, but students usually enjoy a fun competition. Kahoot awards more points to students who answer quickly and accurately.  After each question, a leader board is displayed. Liven up your classroom! Try Kahoot!

For more information on Kahoot! visit this Knowledgebase article:!