Recent Updates to Canvas
The most recent update to Canvas on 2/20/2016 has some great new functionality and features. Watch this screencast to learn more or read on for some of the highlights.
- Crocodoc Student Feedback Document Review – Now, when you provide crocodoc annotations to students on supported document types, you will be able to tell if a student has actually gone back and viewed the feedback you have provided.
- Analytics Graphs Enhancements – An easier-to-read color scheme and key are now implemented for the analytics graphs available within Canvas.
- Dashboard Sidebar Enhancements – All sidebar areas are easier to read, include the name of the course, and assignments also include the total number of points. The Coming Up section includes the specific date of the assignment or event instead of the day of the week. Additionally, any assignments that have already been graded include the assignment score. For instructors, the To Do list assignment icons are replaced with an indicator representing the number of submissions that require grading. The sidebar now also displays the course nickname, if used.
- Grades Sorting – When students view the Grades page, they can sort grades by due date, module, assignment title, or assignment group. By default, sorting is by due date.