Day 6 of the Digital Curation of the Puffenberger Religious Artifacts

Today consisted mostly of playing around with Omeka website. A base layout is one of our goals this week in which we want to have the “About,” “Dr. Puffenberger,” and “Contributors page done. I wanted to add a picture into the about page but I could not figure out how to add media to “simple pages” on Omeka. I also tried to embed and RSS feed into the “Blog” tab of the website. I used RSS generators but they would not take to the website no matter how many times I tried, which was incredibly frustrating. My plan is to talk to the librarians tomorrow to see is they have any knowledge on how to incorporate an RSS feed into a website. I am not sure if it is the code or if Omeka just does not take RSS feeds. I also want to figure out how to idea media in places other than “items” and “collections”. Tomorrow, in addition to figuring those things out, I want to begin my research on the sources for the Buddhism artifacts so we can start adding content to the website.


-Amal Ismail