Daily Blog #5: Digitization of the Puffenberger Religious Artifacts Collection
We started our day with a meeting about our progress on the Omeka site and our Excel spreadsheet. After our meeting Dr. Newton took a video Amal and I working and discussing our progress for his social media, in hopes that some of his followers could answer the technical questions we had about Omeka. At 11:30 am, Amal and I went to the library and had meeting with Sarah, the Library director and Tom, the Collection Development Librarian. They were a great help in terms of helping us the Dublin Core format and Omeka technical problems. After our meeting we came back to the HUB and discussed what we wanted to discuss with Dr. Puffenberger once we set up a meeting time to interview him about the artifacts. As I worked on the Omeka site, I fixed the site’s header that I made yesterday to look more official and to fit the heading space better. Then Amal figured out to how to embed a video into the Omeka site using a website that one of Dr. Newton’s friends sent to him via the video we made earlier today. Overall, the first week of SCARP working on the digitalization of the the Puffenberger Religious Artifacts Collection was extremely productive and I feel so much more comfortable and confident working with Omeka after this past five days.
- Hannah Ciocco