Password Change Reminder

When creating a new password, remember that it needs to contain at least three of these four elements:

  • Uppercase letter
  • Lowercase letter
  • Number
  • Special character (i.e. # $ ! * ^)

In addition, your password must be a minimum of eight characters, cannot contain your username or email address, and cannot be the same as any of your last five passwords.

You can change your password when logging on to a campus computer or through the Outlook Web App when checking your email. Again, be sure to also update your password on all of your devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) so that you don’t lock yourself out of your account. If your device repeatedly tries to connect to campus WiFi with the wrong password, your account may become locked.

For in-depth instructions on how to change your Etown password, please refer to the Change Network Password article of the knowledgebase.