Sympodium Workshop

The Sympodium workshop, held in Esbenshade 163, will help faculty and staff learn how to utilizeĀ  Sympodiums in classrooms. Sympodiums, or “Smart Podiums”, are located in multiple classrooms across campus and have special features which allow instructors to “write” on the monitor with a stylus. Using these annotations, you can highlight, write, or draw in order to liven a presentation and take note of important information. This can be especially beneficial when reviewing homework, preparing for an exam, or giving helpful notes.

The workshop will go over the basics of using a Sympodium and how using it can bring more interactivity to a course. Attendees are asked to bring a file of their choice (PowerPoints are suggested) to use for practice annotating during the session. To sign up for the workshop on Sept. 3 from 11 AM to 12 PM, visit the EventBrite link here.