Studying Abroad in England: An Exciting Option for English Majors

When English professional writing major Megan Finnegan studied abroad in her spring 2016 semester, she didn’t expect to return an entirely different person. Her journey from the Elizabethtown College English department to the small English town of Cheltenham has allowed her to gain multiple perspectives on various cultures, both in her host country and across the continent.

That Initial Glimpse

“The first thing I remember are the really thin streets,” Finnegan said. “We were on this massive bus and had to keep pulling over so we could pass other cars to drive on the street at the same time.”

She also recalled the typical English nature of the view out of her bus window.half timber houses

“There were stereotypical cottages and brick houses, with brick fencing around them. You get into this little city in the middle of all the green pastures. It was pretty dang awesome!”

Learning in the Classroom and on the Road

Finnegan’s program provider, BCA Study Abroad, facilitated her transition to English culture. BCA orientation leaders, Shelley Saguaro and Sandy Griffiths were devoted to supporting their “Yankee Doodles,” as they are fondly known, as much as possible.

“During orientation week, Sandy would make us tea and coffee at the chapel,” Finnegan stated, “and we discussed our different classes and our upcoming day trip to the Roman Baths that weekend.”

Throughout the semester, Finnegan went on multiple educational excursions with BCA Study Abroad, including trips to Bath, Windsor Castle, Blenheim Castle, Oxford University, and Stonehenge. BCA’s signature course allowed her to gain in-depth knowledge about the nuances of British history and culture, especially with Parliament and the Royal Family.

“To my disappointment, I learned that even when I marry Prince Harry, I won’t actually become a princess,” she lamented.

Finnegan also enrolled in other classes at Cheltenham’s University of Gloucestershire, taking two of them at the Francis Close Hall main campus, and three of them at the nearby Park campus. Out of all of these “modules,” she really appreciated her “Sex and Gender in Society” class because it opened her eyes to how other countries view the topic.

Careful scheduling will ensure that the courses completed while abroad will contribute to the English major. Students can also feel relieved that their normal tuition payments transfer to cover their approved study abroad experience.

BCA Study Abroad Employee Remembers Time in Cheltenham

Program advisor and marketing specialist Megan Bell nostalgically remembered her study abroad experience with BCA back in her spring 2013 semester at E-town.

“Cultural immersion is what I love most about BCA, and it’s why I’m so passionate in my work,” Bell stated. “BCA gives students the opportunity to be more than just tourist, to dive into their host country’s culture and to challenge themselves academically by taking courses at the local university alongside British students. It provided me with new perspectives on my education and intended job field.”

Bell, an English professional writing minor, loved her Cheltenham experience so extensively that she was hired by BCA Study Abroad not long after graduation.  She has been devoting her energy for the past two years to providing Etown students the same ineffable study abroad semester that she received.

Unforgettable Travels and Everlasting Friendships

Finnegan loved that BCA allowed her to live with other English university students in the Regency-era apartments, and she also reveled in the freedom European travel afforded her. During her five-month-long semester, she explored Rome, Venice, Amsterdam, Paris, The Republic of Ireland, Dublin, Athens and Santorini.

“Greece was one of those places I’d always wanted to visit ever since I was little,” she said. “And I visited family a couple times in Ireland. It was very emotional.”

Finnegan developed lasting friendships with both American and English students alike, and will be returning to Cheltenham this upcoming May when the semester is over.

“Don’t be intimidated,” she advised prospective study abroad students, “There’s a lot more to see than what we have here. Even if you have to go by yourself, go blindly and just do it. I have the travel bug so badly now!”

Etown students can learn more about BCA Study Abroad by visiting the program’s campus office in Myer, the Study Abroad Office in the BSC, or on their website.

There are many affiliated and non-affiliated programs to choose from besides BCA, all of which can fulfill English major requirements. BCA Cheltenham is just one popular location for English majors.

An English major advisor and the Study Abroad Director will help you get your classes in order. The English Department encourages all of its students to go abroad, and it is one of the most accommodating majors for this experience.

Author Bio:

Skye McDonald of West Chester, Pennsylvania is a senior at Elizabethtown College majoring in English Professional Writing and minoring in Communication. In 2015, Skye went spent a semester abroad in Cheltenham, England, where she continued studying English.

In 2016, Skye interned with the “Harrisburg Magazine,” writing feature stories, as well as profiles. Currently, she interns at the World Affairs Council of Harrisburg, where she is web writing, feature writing, and assisting in global and community outreach. After graduation, Skye wants to continue her pursuit of a journalistic career, with an emphasis in the importance of travel.



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