Etownian Newspaper is Perfect for E-town English Majors

Even as a small, liberal arts school, Elizabethtown College has a lot to talk about. The student-run newspaper, Etownian, covers it all. Started in 1904, the Etownian is one of the oldest news publications in Lancaster.

Today, approximately 50 students write, edit and serve as business staff for the newspaper. Students across all majors are encouraged to participate with the Etownian, but it’s an especially great experience for English majors.

Kelly Bergh, a 2017 graduate with a degree in  English professional writing served as the editor-in-chief for the Etownian.

Why get involved?

“Working for the Etownian has provided me with an opportunity to broaden my publishing experience,” said Bergh. “I have acquired communication and design skills that I otherwise might not have. The paper has certainly helped me become more well-rounded in terms of editing and writing on both personal and professional levels.”

Students are encouraged to write on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Bergh said she encourages English majors to take on the extra writing assignment.

“It’s not very much at all,” said Bergh. “Write me 750 words in AP style and you’re on your way to building your portfolio.”

Many English majors find themselves in paid, editorial roles. Bergh started writing for the news and campus life sections of the newspaper during her first semester at the College. By the end of the fall semester, she was asked to become the news editor after a staff member had resigned. She said that she now spends most of her time working on the Etownian, but she’s happy about it.

Who is involved?

Monica Venturella, a senior majoring in psychology, also has experience with the Etownian. She wrote for the sports section for several semesters.

“I was only with the Etownian for about two years, but the experience I had was invaluable,” said Venturella. “I still use some of the articles I wrote for my portfolio.”

The Etownian is the perfect place for students to get involved their first semester. Bergh wants first-year English students to know that the time commitment is very manageable at the beginning, but it’s easy to take on more work.

“Chances are, the first-year English majors already have the writing skills necessary to be successful at the Etownian,” said Bergh. “It would be an easy transition, and a rewarding one.”

How do students benefit?

If there is one lesson that Bergh has learned from being involved with the newspaper, it’s that having an opinion is important.

“Many people don’t understand the importance of getting involved with a publication that can identify diversity, unity, triumph and discontent,” said Bergh. “The medium’s success is directly reflective of the health of the college. Use it as a tool to make your voice heard.”

Getting involved on campus is easy, thanks to the Etownian!

Author Bio:

Jerica Shuck is a junior studying English professional writing and communications. She is heavily involved in the Honors Program, as well as the campus improvisation comedy group, Mad Cow. She is working towards attending law school after graduation but thinks she should really focus on graduating first.



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