Twelve Largest Settlements, 2019

Settlement State Districts Estimated population
Lancaster County area Pennsylvania 235 39,255
Holmes County area Ohio 288 36,755
Elkhart/LaGrange Counties area Indiana 192 25,660
Geauga County area Ohio 131 18,325
Adams County area Indiana 63 9,910
Nappanee area Indiana 46 6,180
Daviess County area Indiana 29 5,290
Arthur area Illinois 30 4,650
Mifflin County area Pennsylvania 32 3,985
Allen County area Indiana 23 3,325
Seymour area Missouri 16 3,270
Indiana County area Pennsylvania 25 3,225

Settlement and district statistics were updated in June 2019. The number of people in a church district varies by settlement. For example, there are approximately 170 people per district in the Lancaster County settlement and approximately 130 per district in the Holmes County settlement. Population estimates, which include both adults and children, were calculated using a variety of sources including Raber’s New American Almanac, reports by correspondents in Die BotschaftThe Budget, and The Diary, settlement directories, regional newsletters, and settlement informants. The table includes all Amish groups that use horse-and-buggy transportation, but excludes car-driving groups such as the Beachy Amish and Amish Mennonites.

To cite this page: “Twelve Largest Amish Settlements, 2019.” Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies, Elizabethtown College.