JULY 2018

Jonathan Rudy, Peacemaker in Residence, with the Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking, presented on “Culture of Exclusion: Transforming Society from within a Broken System,” a panel focused on healing memories at the Caux Forums, organized for Initiatives of Change (formerly Moral Rearmament), a Swiss based organization committed to trustbuilding, ethical leadership, sustainable living, economic justice and environmental sustainability.

He was invited to give input during the Just Governance for Human Security Forum from July 4-9. From the former vice president of Gambia to a Ugandan woman traumatized by violence of displacement, the participants spanned the spectrum of society. His input centered around his home church congregation forgiving a juvenile member who murdered his parents, also members of his church, in 1991 and the subsequent journey with this young man for the past 27 years.

Rudy also conducted two workshops for participants: one on intercultural/interfaith dialogue, one on deep listening.