Elizabethtown College’s New Year Festival was covered by a Chinese news station in Yangzhou – a city of about five million people. The festival included Chinese food in the Marketplace, paper cutting, Chinese drumming, an erhu duet and lots of candy. Linye Jing, lecturer in Chinese, and Kristi Syrdahl, director of international student services, were the main organizers of the event. Dr. Dan Chen, assistant professor in political science and Asian studies, made the connection with the Chinese station. See the story here.


Dr. Rita Shah, assistant professor of sociology, was a participant in the WITF Smart Talk segment, “What’s behind the dramatic increase in women prison inmates?” Feb. 22. The talk discusses why there are greater numbers of American women incarcerated today, what rehabilitation options are open to them, and solutions to improve the system of mass incarceration. Also on the program was Elizabethtown College MLK Week speaker and author of Breaking Women: Gender, Race, and the New Politics of Imprisonment, Jill McCorkel.