Elizabethtown College was mentioned in Lancaster Newspaper’s weekly “Bookends” column on Nov. 30 for the then-upcoming lecture, “Seneca Indian to discuss sports mascots at E-town College”, presented by Dr. Michael Taylor. Taylor is both a both a scholar and a member of the Wolf Clan of the Seneca Nation.


Michael Taylor, recent speaker at E-town, was featured in another LancasterOnline article, “‘Redskin’: A fun team name or racial epithet?”, posted on Nov. 6. Taylor discussed the troubled past and continuing challenges faced by Native Americans during an address Tuesday at E-town.


Dr. John Teske, psychology professor, collaborated with others on a story about dreams featured in LancasterOnline, “10 things you didn’t know about dreams”, posted on Nov. 3. The article highlights some surprising and crucial things dreaming accomplishes.


Debi Murray, director of admissions, was quoted in the Lancaster Newspapers article, “F&M, Elizabethtown not affected by online application problems” on Oct. 31. The article was in response to the recent technical problems applicants are experiencing with the online college application site, The Common Application.


“E-town in the News” is a semi-regular hand-curated collection of links to recent articles, appearances and publications from other media outlets that feature people of Elizabethtown. Have an item to report? Email now@etown.edu.