Can Microwaves Interfere with Wi-Fi Signals?

ITS_Blog_MicrowaveCan microwaves really interfere with Wi-Fi signals? Yes! Microwaves really can interfere with Wi-Fi signals. Microwaves literally rely on small electromagnetic waves to heat food. These micro-waves (get it now?) are the same waves that are used to emit Wi-Fi signals, radio signals, and radars.

While one microwave may not interfere with the Wi-Fi on campus, if every room in your dorm has one then the Wi-Fi starts to become unreliable. Like a bus trying to merge onto a highway crowded with cars, Wi-Fi signals compete for space on the same wavelengths that microwaves and AM/FM radios produce. So, how do we get better Wi-Fi signal?

The solution is simple. Fewer microwaves = better Wi-Fi signal in the dorms. Try sharing one microwave with friends on the same floor or in the same dorm. Try using the microwaves in the Jays Nest instead of having your own microwave in your room.

Think about how often you actually use your microwave in your room. Is Easy Mac worth bad Wi-Fi signal?