Canvas Tip of The Week: Spring Courses

Spring 2016 courses have now been added to Canvas for faculty to begin designing.  As you consider your Canvas course sites for the next semester, faculty can do several things:

  1. Start from scratch designing your Canvas course.  The benefit of this is that you leverage all of the useful tools and features of Canvas and can “clean up” content so you only have what you need in the course.
  2. Request that ITS copy an archive of a Blackboard course into the Canvas course.  This will require some clean-up and redesign.  We will need to know which semester you want to copy into Canvas. Email Linda Macaulay for the link to the form you need to complete to process the course copy.
  3. Copy a previous Canvas course into the new Spring course.  Faculty can do this on their own.  See this help guide:

Canvas courses  are unpublished by default.  This means that students can’t see the content.  Students will be added to Spring courses two weeks prior to the semester beginning.  If you want to grant students access to course content before the semester begins, be sure to publish your course within that two-week window.

If you have additional questions or professional development needs related to Canvas, please contact Linda Macaulay and we can help. We continue to run weekly “Cookies and Canvas” sessions, but we also schedule more extensive and customized Canvas training by request.