ITS Help Desk: New Year, New Look

Summer can be a time for change, and nothing changed more on campus than the Etown ITS department. As Nicarry goes through a multi-year renovation, The Help Desk got a full makeover, new furniture, and a new location.

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The Help Desk, for those who don’t know (or have been lucky and haven’t needed their computers fixed) is the place to go when you’re having problems with your technology. Everything from internet connection to virus removal can be done here, and the student worker present are always happy to help.

The old Help Desk, a cramped room hidden in the back of Nicarry, is no more. Located in 125, the Help Desk now has more room, more seats, and a more modern look. With the addition of several couches and chairs, the room feels more at home now, and the new tables definitely make the place feel like an Apple store. In fact, the department as a whole got new offices and storage rooms, and now that everything is settled in, can help the campus solve their problems more effectively.

Stop by Nicarry 125 to check out the new Help Desk like the Ladies Soccer Team did and say hi. At ITS, we’re here for you!