Canvas Tip of the Week: Notifications and the User Profile

Setting Up Your Notifications and User Profile

We recommend that you and your students set up your user profile and identify how and when you would like to receive notifications from your courses. Adding a picture to your profile will help increase engagement because it becomes a more personal way to identify each other.

Also, you can choose to receive notifications (emails from others, discussion board posts, turned in assignments, etc.) that will go right to your contact method of choice (email, text message, LinkedIn, etc.)

Note that if you choose to receive notifications outside of Canvas, you will still see them as unread when you log into Canvas. You will need to manually delete them, so you may want to be judicious about what notifications you receive.

One section of the notification preferences that is worthy of special consideration is the “Conversations” area.  If you want to receive copies of the messages that you create via the email inbox in Canvas or if you wish to receive a notification when someone sends you an inbox message in Canvas, be sure you have the “Conversations” area configured to receive notifications so you don’t have to log in to Canvas to see them.


Finally, the inbox is located at the user level, meaning that you access it independently of each of your courses. This is different from Blackboard where email was part of each individual course. Remember, you can forward emails from Canvas to an external email, but not the other way around. So, you will still get college-related emails in whatever email address you have on file with the school, rather than in Canvas directly.

For more information, take a look at the following help guides: