Word Keyboard Shortcuts

Perhaps you know about using a keyboard shortcut to copy (CONTROL + C) and then paste (CONTROL + V). But there are lots more keyboard shortcuts that will increase your efficiency. Here are some of my favorites:

Shortcut What it Does
CONTROL + HOME Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document, no matter how many pages it is. Works in most programs.
CONTROL + END Moves the cursor to the end of the document, no matter how many pages it is. Works in most programs.
CONTROL + Right arrow Hops to the beginning of the next word.
CONTROL + Left arrow Hops to the beginning of the previous word.
CONTROL + A Selects everything in the document. Works in most programs & browsers.
CONTROL + C Copies the selected text or item. Works in most programs & browsers.
CONTROL + X Cuts the selected text or item. Works in most programs & browsers.
CONTROL + V Pastes the copied or cut text or item. Works in most programs & browsers.
CONTROL + M Increases the indent for the current paragraph.
CONTROL + SHIFT + M Decreases the indent for the current paragraph.
CONTROL + DELETE Erases text from the cursor to the end of the word.
CONTROL + BACKSPACE Erases text from the cursor to the beginning of the word.
CONTROL + Y Redo. I prefer to call it Undo the Undo.

To generate a list of all the keyboard shortcuts available in Word, please refer to the “Keyboard Shortcuts” ITS Knowledgebase article.