Changes to Web Browsers Creates Better Security with Some Trade-Offs

Have you noticed that near the beginning of this fall semester that your web browser started acting funny?  Manufacturers of web browsers, i.e., Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.,  recently released updates that affect links, embedded items, and other web content.   These new restrictions create better security that is necessary to block credit card and identity theft, but it also means that non-secure web content may not open or be viewable.

A warning message used to be displayed when trying to access non-secure material, giving the end user the control to view content or not. The recent updates, however, will no longer allow the warning and option.

So, what is an end user to do?  Check out this ITS Knowledgebase article that provides suggestions.

Will this be fixed?  Sadly, no.  This is a change with browsers and there is nothing that ITS, Blackboard or other web service providers can do about it.  In the end, this change keeps us all safer online, but it is a change that will take some getting used to.